My Diary
To day we have Kyarbot 's father kontick ceramony at Kwanninsea Bahan. Kaw Kaw gyi and me got there about 9.50am .We met Kyarbot , she is very happy and say thank you for cominig.We have a look to those materials which are going to burn after the ceremony.visitors are keep coming. Person concerned are praying following to those priests murmurd their prayer. About 11.00 am they served the guest with lunch with vegetarian foods.the chef is from China and the dishes are very delicious.There are 8 items of dishes.
Kontick is a ceremony that pray for the ancestor that they can able to live without any difficulities for their life.So in the ceremony everythings we need to have for example TV, Car, House, Servants, Gold Bars, Gold Mountains,Money, everything , everythings etc.......have place on the table ,they pray for them and then they burn all the things So they can got all thing which were burned.Is it supersticious